Certifications and Regulations

We are certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015

Companies producing ladders and traps, such as GIERRE and HAILO, must pay particular attention to safety and certification aspects. The trademarks on ELEVATIONSHOP comply with all the provisions on safety and health at work provided for by Italian and European legislation.

Full compliance with current regulations

All the ladders, stools, trapdoors and other products published on the site have a European certification that complies with the latest regulations.

All products are tested by European certification bodies, and you can request the Certificate of Conformity from Customer Service at any time.


D.Lgs. 81/08

The Legislative Decree 81/08, known as the "Consolidated Safety Act," brings together all Italian regulations regarding health and safety in the workplace.

It establishes obligations for employers and employees with the goal of preventing accidents and ensuring safe working environments.

UNI EN 14183

European standard issued by CEN, relating to the design and construction of stools.

A product complies with this standard if it fully meets the dimensional requirements and all mechanical tests defined by the standard.

UNI EN 131

European legislation issued by CEN, relating to the design and construction of portable stairs.

A product complies with this legislation if it fully meets all the requirements expressed in parts 1-2-3-4. This legislation has European validity.

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